How Much Does a Personal Trainer Cost?

How Much Does a Personal Trainer Cost

So you’re considering hiring a Personal Trainer to help with your fitness. Perhaps you’re new to exercise, and looking for some help to get started working out. Or maybe you’ve been exercising for some time, and now want to take your workouts to the next level.

This article gives you a few of the factors that influence the cost of hiring a personal trainer. Plus a few pointers on how to find the best option for you

Personal Trainer prices vary

As with any industry there are top tier professionals who may command £hundreds per hour to work with them. Likewise there will be people who do Personal Training more as a hobby and may charge anything from free to £10/session. With that said...

Average pricing for a Personal Trainer in the UK (in 2022-2023) is between £30-£60 per session.

There are a number of factors that will influence the price of working with a personal trainer so let’s go through some of those now:

Your area

The first thing that will likely impact pricing will be where you live within the country. Are you in a city centre, or rural village? Up north or down south? This will likely have an impact on the price you can expect to pay for Personal Training

The Personal Trainer’s Experience and Expertise

If you’re working with a new Personal Trainer who has just started out they will likely be priced lower, whereas working with a more experienced personal Trainer that may have specialist expertise you can expect to pay for that experience.

Where you’ll be working out

There are different places you can work out with a Personal Trainer;

  • In your own home
  • Outdoors or in a local park
  • Online via zoom
  • At the local gym
  • At a Personal Training studio

Hiring a Personal Trainer at The Local Gym (£20-£40/session)

Most Personal Trainers start their career at a local gym. Which means you may expect to pay slightly less for a less experienced trainer who’s just starting out (in their first year or two).

Depending on the gyms business model a percentage of your session cost goes to the Personal Trainer, and a percentage will go to the gym. You’ll likely need to have a membership to the gym also which could be anywhere from £20-£120/month depending on whether it’s a low cost gym chain or high-end health club

Hiring a Personal Trainer at Home (£15-£30/session)

While ‘at home’ or ‘outdoors’ Personal Training sessions don’t carry the overhead of paying for a gym, the Personal Trainer will likely have other costs, like travel time to your sessions. Generally Personal Trainers who offer training at your home or outdoors will likely cost the least

Hiring an Online Personal Trainer (£40-£50/session)

Online Personal Trainers - Would generally provide more of a consultative service; developing a program for you to follow, accountability check ins, with advice and consultation along the way. There’s generally less face to face time, with little emphasis on teaching and correcting your exercise technique (videos are often provided instead). With that said, supervised training sessions via platforms like Zoom did become more popular during the covid-19 lockdowns.

Hiring a Personal Trainer at a Private Training Studio (£40-£147/session)

Private Personal Training studios are becoming increasingly popular and are generally where you’ll find the top tier of Personal Trainers. You can expect to pay more, as your Personal Trainer will likely have more experience (say 2-10+ years), along with a purpose designed facility for your personal training sessions.

How You Buy Your Sessions / Which Package You Choose

How you pay for your personal training (package versus pay as you go) may influence how much a Personal Trainer would cost.

Most Personal Trainers will have a per session rate. Then some kind of discount may be offered for purchases of a package (a block of 10 or 20 sessions for example, or signing up for say 3 months).

If you pay for your Personal Trainer one session at a time it may cost you £45 per session. Whereas if you buy a package of 10 sessions your session cost may go down to £40 per session.

Please note - some Personal Trainers may only offer packages without a pay as you go option.

Summary of How Much Does a Personal Trainer Cost?

Hopefully you’ve got a few insights into the different factors that will affect how much it costs to hire a Personal Trainer. The main influences on the cost are:

  • Location
  • Trainers experience
  • Where you have your Personal Training sessions and
  • How you pay for your sessions.

While the costs vary based on the criteria above, the average cost of hiring a Personal Trainer in the UK is £30-£60 per session.

If you would like to experience what our personal training sessions are like at fit20, book a FREE session, no obligation, at your nearest fit20 studio.