fit20 Exeter celebrates the best 20 minute workout ever, at local business expo


The fit20 Exeter team was at the South West Business Expo recently to share the benefits of what our clients call "the best 20 minute workout ever"! But why share this open secret with businesspeople? "Simply because fit20 can add strength to your business in several different ways," says Exeter fit20 studio owner, Duncan Attwood.

You may have been searching for 'The best 20 minute total body workout', or asking questions like "Can you get a full body workout in 20 minutes?" The Internet is full of 20 minute workout suggestions including articles like 'The best 20-minute strength training plan every midlifer should follow.'

At fit20 we are convinced that you can get fit in 20 minutes per week. This is due to our science-based fitness plan that delivers excellent results for our clients, helping them to increase their strength by up to 50% in their first year.

This can have huge benefits both personally and professionally. This is why fit20 in Exeter constantly connect with busy executives. Not only does fit20 achieve great results in a short space of time, but it can also help increase employee health and wellbeing by having a more motivated, energetic workforce. This can in turn boost company productivity, reduce absenteeism and improve company culture.

Publicising the best 20 minute workout

fit20 Exeter therefore constantly seeks opportunities to share the benefits of our revolutionary approach to achieving optimal strength and wellness in the shortest time. This includes speaking at health and wellness seminars, local networking events and business exhibitions like the South West Business Expo.

The photo shows two of our fit20 Exeter personal trainers, Scott and Kamil on our stand at Westpoint, Exeter, which is a local gathering point for new products and services in Devon and Cornwall.

"Being part of the Expo was a fantastic opportunity to connect with other professionals and showcase the benefits of what we know to be the best 20 minute workout available," said Duncan. "It was inspiring to see how many business owners and entrepreneurs recognise the importance of investing in their health and we look forward to helping more individuals achieve their fitness goals."

Earlier this year Duncan was one of the speakers at B3, Body Brain and Business. Of course, he spoke on ‘the body’ and how to keep it fit and healthy. Coming up, Pete Eggleston, manager of our Exeter studio will be hosting an evening focused on nutrition. Each of these events are a great opportunity for us to share the benefits of fit20 to a wider audience.

The benefits of fit20 to businesses

As proven by a Peer Reviewed Study which analysed the data of 14,690 participants we offer the best 20 minute workout program using a high-intensity, low-impact strategy overseen by our personal trainers. This can be hugely beneficial to businesses in the following ways:

  1. Improved employee health and wellness: fit20 can help employees improve their physical health and fitness, which can lead to increased energy levels, improved mood, and reduced stress. This must result in a more productive workforce.

  2. Increased productivity: Regular exercise has been shown to improve cognitive function and increase productivity. By offering fit20 as a benefit to employees, businesses can help their staff stay focused and engaged throughout the workday.

  3. Reduced absenteeism: By promoting employee health and wellness, fit20 can help businesses reduce absenteeism due to illness and injury. This can save on lost productivity.

  4. Improved company culture: Offering fit20 as a benefit can foster a culture of wellness in a company and encourage employees to prioritise their health. This can lead to a more positive work environment and increased employee morale.

  5. Attract and retain top talent: Offering fit20 as a benefit can help you attract and retain top talent by showing that you value your employees' health and well-being. This makes you stand out in a competitive job market and improve your reputation as an employer.

Corporate results of using the best 20 minute workout!

"At fit20 Exeter we have a number of companies who use us as part of their employee welfare programme. One business client in particular pays for all their staff to attend fit20. They have found that this fosters loyalty within their team and delivers phenomenal results.

"This all came about because their CEO trained with me. Pre Covid, she found her aches and pains had gone away through what she describes as 'the best 20 minute workout' she has experienced. And of course, the discomfort returned during Lockdown when we were forced to shut. 'If fit20 can have such an impact on me, them what would it do for my team,' she asked.

"The answer was clear: absenteeism dropped, sickness reduced all because she's helping her team to get fitter and healthier and with us. Furthermore, because our training takes such a short amount of time, she lets her staff train with fit20 during working hours. This has been transformational in her company. So, if I can help you with your employee welfare programme, please give me a call!"

In conclusion, fit20 Exeter's revolutionary 20-minute workout program is scientifically proven to deliver excellent results for clients. By offering the best 20-minute workout ever, we can improve all these objectives corporately, while also guaranteeing personal benefits to each client such as increased strength and fitness, improved mood, and reduced stress, all in a convenient and time-efficient format.

Click to book a free taster session and experience the fit20 for yourself and your team!